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首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品中心 > > Accegen > 人臍靜脈內(nèi)皮細(xì)胞,10個(gè)供體池


簡(jiǎn)要描述:HUVEC10-Donor Pools(人臍靜脈內(nèi)皮細(xì)胞,10個(gè)供體池)provide an ideal low-serum culture model, for the study of angiogenesis, atherosclerosis or vascular biology.

  • 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):型號(hào)齊全
  • 廠商性質(zhì):代理商
  • 更新時(shí)間:2023-07-10
  • 訪  問(wèn)  量:600

product name:Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells, 10-Donor Pool(人臍靜脈內(nèi)皮細(xì)胞,10個(gè)供體池);

cat no:ABC-TC3852;

Size/Quantity:1 vial;

Biosafety Level:1;

Shipping Info:Dry Ice;

Storage:Liquid Nitrogen;

Description:HUVEC10-Donor Pools(人臍靜脈內(nèi)皮細(xì)胞,10個(gè)供體池), when grown in LIVas Medium, provide an ideal low-serum culture model, with or without human VEGF, for the study of angiogenesis, atherosclerosis or vascular biology without the concern of atypical results from a single donor. HUVEC 10-Donor Pools are cryopreserved as secondary cells to ensure the highest viability and plating efficiency.

Cell Features:

HUVEC are isolated from human umbilical cords, cultured on plastic and cryopreserved as primary cells.

HAoEC and HUVEC 10-Donor Pool are isolated from human aorta or umbilical cord, cultured on plastic and cryopreserved as secondary cells.

HPAEC are isolated from human pulmonary artery, cultured on plastic and cryopreserved as secondary cells.

HCAEC are isolated from human coronary arteries, cultured on plastic and cryopreserved as tertiary cells.

Human endothelial cells can be grown in low serum (2%) medium without phenol red or antimicrobials when cultured in VascuLife medium.

Culture human endothelial cells with or without VEGF.

human endothelial cells are extensively tested to meet quality standards and exhibit optimal performance.

AcceGen guarantees performance and quality.;

Quality Control:All cells test negative for mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast, and fungi;

Application:For research use only.


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